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  • +91 - 9890336070

Our Approach

The idea is to create spaces of learning & support for street children specially child waste pickers and child labors. It is achived through community learning centers knows as Anandghar (A Home of Happiness). These centers act as a bridge between children, parents, schools and society at large. They provide basic formal & informal education and skills to child waste pickers and child labors along with children from economically disadvantaged background and make them capable of joining main stream schools to cope with the learning process in the school. To give these children a fair chance to take control of their lives and to live a life with dignity and ensure that they enroll in main stream schools and follow the path of education towards a better future we are focusing on following fundamentals:

Nurturing academic skills:

To enable children to read and write fluently in Marathi (local language) and acquire basic numerical aptitude thereby increasing their chances of sustaining in main stream schools

Nurturing life skills:

Expression, Cooperation, and Observation & Leadership.

School Enrolment & sustenance:

To enroll and sustain children in main stream schools by leaving their profession behind.

Hygiene & Physical well-being:

To inculcate hygienic habits and quit substance abuse.

The Anandghar program is a holistic model of child development which is compltely aligned to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Our Model

Values of Anandghar


Our Theory Of Change

Anandghar is all about

Safe Spacesto share, connect & Reflect

Activity based joyful learning

Inculcating Life-skills

Health & Physical well-being

Nutritional food

Dignified Life

Community Engagement

School Enrollment & Sustenance

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